About Us

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So you want to know our story? If that’s the case the first thing you need to know is, who is the face behind David’s Body? Well…that’s me,  Lisa Smith. I’d bore you to tears if I told you my entire background story so let’s just skip to how this business came about… Shall we?

I wandered into a small shop that sold body butters and sugar scrubs and I fell in love with their chocolate fragrance. I would buy their products for me and my children religiously! But unfortunately, I was forced to stop going because as the word got out, the prices got higher. The shop eventually closed and the fragrances we loved were gone. In 2013, missing my favorite fragrance I asked myself, “Why should I go without when I can make it myself!” From there, David’s Body was born! 

With a lot of trial and error and fierce determination, I made my first batch.

So now for the question I always get... “Who is David?”

I was born the youngest and only girl to three children. But in 2011, I lost my brother, Keith (affectionately called by his middle name, David.) I wanted a way to always keep him with me, so I thought, how can my product represent my brother? 

Whenever David would take a bath, he would use every bathing product he found on my dresser. And my mother and I always told him, “Women like a man’s body to smell good!”. So remembering that, it was only right to honor not only his name, but his body as well.